Monday, 23 February 2009

Preliminary Sequences

We used a few sheets of paper to determine what shots we were going to use as a template to our short film. On this we chose locations, shot length and camera shots we would use. We drew small diagrams to show what the shot would look like. This took about 45 minutes to complete a short guideline for what we were shooting. We were originally going to shoot our video in the area outside the geography rooms as it would give us a good location to get a dark room as well as a long corridor, which was what we needed. But other reasons meant we couldn’t shoot at the geography rooms so we decided to shoot our video in the other block. Outside the maths corridor and inside one of the rooms. This was a good place to shoot and was easy enough to shoot in, so the initial problem of not being able to shoot in our preferred place was overcome. We chose this location with the thought that we could video someone walking down a corridor and entering a room to talk to someone else. So we needed a location that we could see the whole corridor and then a room with a small amount of lighting. We haven’t used a lot of equipment as we were acting in our school clothes, the only initial equipment to video and capture the sequence was a small digital camera, but to edit the video we are using a program on the Apple Mac book Pro called Final Cut Express. This program has a number of tools and effects that you can imply into your video, we took advantage of this and input slow motion into our video at a certain point. We had originally filmed a video, but it wasn’t as we planned and we decided to start again, but what went well was the videoing. We didn’t need to edit our video as much as some others as we didn’t take too many faulty cuts. The acting in the video went quite well and we transferred it onto the laptop for editing easily. Another thing that went well was the editing. As none of us had used the program before we picked it up quite quickly and we made changes to our video within one lesson. I was pleased with how the sequence went. If I had to change something about our sequence, I would have chose a better location to shoot from, and we would have taken longer to shoot the sequence, as we broke the 180 degree rule at one point. We were lucky however as this is not as noticeable as it could have been.

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